Tag Archives: InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship
The Energy of Synergy by Sheila Webster
I love, love, love the synergy of being with other writers. Some synonyms for synergy are “community, fellowship, communion, reciprocity, and cooperativeness.” Sounds like InScribe writers! Recently I collaborated with Ruth Snyder on another compilation of short essays, poems etc., Men Who Matter. The first compilation, Strong Moms, was doing well, and everyone who purchased or borrowed a… Read more »
Beautiful New Writing Opportunities by Carol Harrison
Signs of spring pop up in various ways. Some are more obvious than others, such as the weather warming, snow melting, and robins returning. Others need to be searched for, like pussy willows and the pale purple crocus blooms dotting prairie landscapes. Writing opportunities are all around us. We just need to search for places… Read more »
Perfection Spells Paralysis by Pamela Mytroen
I’ve always had a difficult time making decisions. Once when I couldn’t decide which shoes to buy, I bought every pair I tried on for fear of missing out on the colour of one pair, the price of another, and the style of the other two. They were all great quality, and all four pair… Read more »
Building Your Writing Community by Tracy Krauss
No writer is an island. Everyone needs some type of encouragement and writers are no exception. To build a supportive community, a variety of connections are needed to serve different purposes. Some are obvious choices, but I’ll start wide and then narrow the field as I go. Join one or more well established organizations. When… Read more »
Making Connections: Writers’ Conferences by Janice L Dick
MAKING CONNECTIONS: WRITERS’ CONFERENCES I’ve made a lot of literary friends over the years since I began writing. Many of them are online relationships because I live on a farm on the Canadian prairies. So, I rarely meet those from far away. However, I’ve been blessed to be introduced to The Word Guild and InScribe… Read more »
Planning for Productivity by Tracy Krauss
Planning for Productivity I love sitting down periodically with a calendar, day planner, and a lengthy list of projects, chores, and dreams. For me, making the plan is half the fun! The key to success, however, is not allowing stress about failed resolutions derail my plan altogether. When I see that something isn’t working out,… Read more »
3 Ways You Can Help Other Writers by Pamela Mytroen
I have had the privilege of helping other writers through my role with InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship. It is an opportunity to give back to writers who have poured their time, wisdom, and encouragement into my life. Can you take a moment to help a wannabe writer by using one of these three ideas below?
Use Mentor Poems to Grow as a Poet by Violet Nesdoly
If you’re a crafter you may have gone to a craft fair, admired items on display, picked up one or two that especially appealed to you, and examined them closely. Why? Chances are you were trying to figure out how they were made and whether you could make something similar. Growth in any skill is… Read more »
Getting value from a writer’s conference — Carolyn Wilker
Having attended writer’s conferences over the years, I encourage others to try it out. Those opportunities charged and inspired me and offered the push I needed to move on. It’s one thing to sign up and say you’re going; preparing oneself to get the most from the event is just as important.
Me? A Writer? — Janice Dick
How do I become a writer? What are the qualifications? The short answer is: you become a writer by writing. Doesn’t matter what you write or whether or not you’re published. If you write, you are a writer. That’s the one non-negotiable qualification. The long answer goes beyond this simple explanation.