Encouraging Canadian Christian writers for over 25 years
Who We Are
You’ll find Inscribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship (ICWF) members in every province in Canada. We range from beginner to experienced writers. We write fiction, nonfiction, and poetry; in sub-genres that include mystery, romance, sci-fi/fantasy, devotional, instructional and more.
There are many resources and opportunities for writers to explore at InScribe. We would love to have you join us!

A Note from the President
InScribe Christian Writers Fellowship (ICWF) has been ‘encouraging Canadian Christian writers for over 25 years’!
I am always fascinated to hear stories of immigrants who have come from afar to settle in a new land such as Canada. They bring with them a sense of identity and heritage from the “old country”, which they treasure. Stories and traditions are shared with the next generation, even as they begin to assimilate with this new country. With each generation the effort to maintain and communicate family roots and traditions requires more intentionality. And each succeeding generation finds it easier to embrace a new allegiance, a new sense of identity as a Canadian. While the grandparents may celebrate the anniversary of arriving in Canada, their children may remember and celebrate the anniversary of receiving their Canadian citizenship. The next generation may treasure the stories and value the traditions but are more likely to embrace and celebrate their Canadian identity and holidays while still acknowledging their particular ethnic or national heritage. In some ways, this may be a metaphor for our progression as an organization.
Our roots go back to the establishment of the Central Alberta Christian Writers group in 1979, but our identity has changed over the decades.
The parameters were widened when the name was changed from Central Alberta to Alberta Christian Writers’ Fellowship (ACWF). As the organization grew, its influence also grew and expanded across Canada. Once more the name was changed but it still embraced its provincial roots as ACWF – Canada-Wide.
After twenty years, in 1999, the organization embraced a broader and new identity as InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship. Here any Canadian Christian writer, wherever they lived, would feel welcome and included. At least, that’s my take on it. I am not from Alberta. I have only been involved since 2019. But I see InScribe as a place of support and encouragement to me and others as Canadian Christian writers.
And so this year 2024 marks the 25th anniversary of InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship and the 45th anniversary of the Alberta group that birthed us. That’s worth celebrating!
Those who have been around longer and were involved in the original group prior to 1999 may be more likely to see this as the 45th anniversary, much as those coming to a new country would be celebrating a longer history in the land. But most of us, including the current InScribe board, have come more recently. We came, not to an Alberta writers group, but to a national fellowship of Christian writers. While honouring our roots we are excited to celebrate the anniversary of a new identity, a new birth that took place in 1999. Let’s give thanks to the Lord for InScribe and pray for God’s continuing blessing on our fellowship of writers. Watch for anniversary events, challenges, Facebook posts, FellowScript articles and Fall Conference information. Join in the celebration!
Happy 25th Anniversary, InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship!
Barbara Fuller