The Energy of Synergy by Sheila Webster

I love, love, love the synergy of being with other writers. Some synonyms for synergy are “community, fellowship, communion, reciprocity, and cooperativeness.” Sounds like InScribe writers!

Recently I collaborated with Ruth Snyder on another compilation of short essays, poems etc., Men Who Matter.  The first compilation, Strong Moms, was doing well, and everyone who purchased or borrowed a copy was enthusiastic.

Ruth and I met through InScribe in 2012 and have been friends ever since. We have orbited around each other in all kinds of roles within the organization. Whether editing FellowScript together, her being president while I was vice president, or working on WordShops and conference together, we both really enjoy serving our members and helping them realize their goals.

One of the perks of being in an organization like InScribe are the invaluable opinions offered when we have a project in progress. Quickly a concern with the cover of our new compilation was detected in a couple different provinces and then revealed in the non-target market upon investigation as a challenge.

Together we pooled knowledge, more market research, prayer, and more test covers. Success!

As humans, we are not always open enough to receive critique. Conversely, at other times, we are not confident when we have taken enough advisement and need to proceed with our projects.

InScribe offers a variety of skills, talents, prayer support, peers, and power to take us over the next hill or ride the next wave. I love reading other people’s work when I have time, or giving a critique or opinion, helping in anyway I can to encourage others to succeed in their work of words.

I hope each of you prayerfully considers where your calling is leading you and how we can help you.

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