Tag Archives: Carol Harrison
How to Create Setting in Fiction
by Carol Harrison Because setting can be anywhere, what ultimately matters is how setting influences the story. Setting creates the image for the readers of where and when the story takes place told from the viewpoint of the characters. It also provides a context for the story, whether fictional or non-fiction. Because setting can be… Read more »
How to Create Setting in Fiction
by Carol Harrison Because setting can be anywhere, what ultimately matters is how setting influences the story. Setting creates the image for the readers of where and when the story takes place told from the viewpoint of the characters. It also provides a context for the story, whether fictional or non-fiction. Because setting can be… Read more »
Overcoming Obstacles in Writing Part 2 by Carol Harrison
How can we get started? Once we have defined the obstacles we face in our writing journey, whether small bumps or mountains, we need to take time to look at how to get started on overcoming them. In this blog post we will look at a few ideas which may spark some more of your… Read more »
Overcoming Obstacles in Writing by Carol Harrison
What’s stopping you? Recently I attended a workshop on “Overcoming Obstacles in your Writing” by Jennifer Sparks from Saskatoon. It gave me lots to contemplate as I search my own writing life to figure out the obstacles holing me back or stopping me from writing. I’ve been asking myself how I can get unstuck and… Read more »
Beautiful New Writing Opportunities by Carol Harrison
Signs of spring pop up in various ways. Some are more obvious than others, such as the weather warming, snow melting, and robins returning. Others need to be searched for, like pussy willows and the pale purple crocus blooms dotting prairie landscapes. Writing opportunities are all around us. We just need to search for places… Read more »
Taking a Break Part 2 by Carol Harrison
“It’s very refreshing to go away and take a break, to clear your head and just get into something else.” Francois Nars There have been many moments of wishing I could escape for a short writing retreat at a lake, maybe even just a few days away to relax. But that isn’t always possible in… Read more »
Taking a Break Part 1 by Carol Harrison
At the beginning of this year, I felt physically exhausted, mentally unfocused, emotionally drained, and spiritually walking in a desert place. How could I write? I didn’t know what to write, how to edit previous pieces, or how to finish the few I’d started. Did I even want to write anymore? The negative monkey voices… Read more »
Reasons or Excuses by Carol Harrison
My asthma flared up making it physically difficult to breathe or sleep which affected my capacity to do the daily functions of life let alone think, study, or write. I accomplished nothing on my to-do list of writing goals, but I had a good reason and not just a procrastination excuse. Family emergencies and many… Read more »
Accountability by Carol Harrison
My list of ideas I hope to accomplish some day and projects developing from them continues to grow faster than I can cross some of them off or mark as completed. It causes feelings of failure at times with negative voices chiming in my mind about how I haven’t accomplished very much today, this week,… Read more »