
Greetings and A Challenge by Steph Beth Nickel

On that first Christmas, the shepherds saw for themselves that what the angels told them was true. They found the baby exactly as the angels said they would. And their response? Bubbling over with joy and wonder, they went out and shared the news with whomever would listen. And Mary’s response? She held her wonder… Read more »

False Evidence Appearing Real by Brenda J Wood

That’s it, folks! The one thing that holds us back is fear, better known as F- False E-Evidence A-Appearing R-Real. That’s your real problem. It’s not lack of time or children or job or weather or sick parents or anything else you can name. Your real problem is fear. Before you get too touchy, let… Read more »

Leave a Splash … or at Least a Splat by Pamela Mytroen

Leave a Splash … or at Least a Splat I am the last one to get in line when a new product or idea shows up, and if by chance I follow through and try that latest new thing, I leave quite a memorable mark. The last time I tried a new recipe on my… Read more »

The Writer’s Weight Loss Plan by Brenda J Wood

The Writer’s Weight Loss Plan Am I a writer? Can I write? Should I write? When can I possibly find time to write? What will people think if I write? What if no one likes my writing? And, dear writer friend, note that all the questions are about me, my, and I. Where are you… Read more »

3 Ways You Can Help Other Writers by Pamela Mytroen

I have had the privilege of helping other writers through my role with InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship. It is an opportunity to give back to writers who have poured their time, wisdom, and encouragement into my life. Can you take a moment to help a wannabe writer by using one of these three ideas below?

How Dark Times Enhance My Writing by Janice L Dick

It was the fall of 1994. My father had just been diagnosed with cancer. Apparently the disease had been at work for a long time. At Thanksgiving, we travelled to my parents’ home in Alberta for a bittersweet weekend. Meanwhile, my mother-in-law, who had been feeling poorly for years, was told she had a brain… Read more »

Spring Ahead: Take Your Writing to the Next Level by Janice L Dick

This time of year, when the days lengthen, the weather warms, and the birds sing with more joy, is a great time to blow out the cobwebs on our writing. Sometimes we get bogged down; at least I do. We struggle on, doing our best to do our best. Spring has a special way of… Read more »

Cultivating a Love of Writing by Tracy Krauss

Consider the Future I grew up in small town Saskatchewan, surrounded by a sea of grain fields and nurtured by an agricultural mindset. To make a living as a farmer, one has to have tenacity in the face of uncontrollable obstacles. Grain prices fluctuate, markets can collapse, and nobody but Jesus can control the weather!… Read more »

Word of the Year by Brenda J Wood

The latest fad is to choose a word to define your coming year. While you can decide on one all by yourself, the internet will give you a million ways to pick one. Why you can even pay for the privilege. Many of the sites I checked out suggest you choose your word based on… Read more »

Start the Year with One Word by Violet Nesdoly

Happy New Year! By now you’ve probably switched calendars, thought about—maybe even listed—a few resolutions and goals for the year, and caught yourself writing 2016 instead of 2017 a time or two. Plus, you may have chosen your one word for 2017.