Tag Archives: skills development
Stumbling into Expertise by Brenda J Wood
As a writer, I am always taking classes and trying to learn more about my craft. I examined the teaching list of a recent writer’s conference ad and laughed out loud. I know most of these folks. I know they probably don’t consider themselves to be experts. Still, someone else did and my friends simply… Read more »
A Different Kind of Writer’s Block by Steph Beth Nickel
We typically think of writer’s block as a mental state, fear of the blank page, concern that the words will never flow again. But today, I’d like to talk about a different kind of writer’s block, other things that keep us from getting words on the page. Don’t get me wrong. All the things on… Read more »
But Then Something Happened by Janice Dick
I was ready to pack it in! I had committed to putting out the third and final book in my current series, and then maybe I’d just quit. Live an ordinary life. Not have to keep learning new skills and trends to keep up my writing career. I had learned many things: — How to… Read more »
What Do We Know About Mrs F by Brenda J Wood
Mrs. F., as the sheriff calls her, that is Mrs. Fletcher of Murder She Wrote fame is not as mysterious as one would think. She eats like I wish I did, lots of fruit and veggies, preferring seafood over steak. She never eats a full dessert although she’s been known to have a bite or… Read more »
What They Write and Why by Steph Beth Nickel
What They Write and Why Are you part of a writers’ group? The ladies I’ve met with over the past decade are diverse, as is their writing. But we’ve learned much during our time together, including what we want to write and why—for now at least. Memoir Barbara is working on a talk she will… Read more »
Why Writers Can’t Simply Write by Steph Beth Nickel
This post first appeared on Janet Sketchley’s blog, “Tenacity.” If you’re a writer—and even if you’re not—you’ve probably seen posts about the GDPR, the General Data Protection Regulation. It makes sense to be concerned about how our personal data is collected, stored, and used, but the GDPR has caused a lot of trouble for many… Read more »
What are You Reading? by Brenda J. Wood
As you will read, Brenda sat down to write something much different but felt God had a word of encouragement for each of us.
6 Reasons to Enter Writing Contests by Steph Beth Nickel
Sure, it’s fun to win a writing contest, but that isn’t the only reason to enter. Here are six other reasons: Practice Makes … Better Every time you put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard, hopefully the result is better than the last time. While practice doesn’t really make perfect, it certainly does make… Read more »
Never Stop Learning
How to confound your family in one easy step . . . Curl up on the couch reading Lynne Truss’s Eats Shoots and Leaves and laugh uproariously while your family is trying to watch television in the same room. “Only a writer,” you say. And you’d be right. Or an editor, agent, or publisher.