Tag Archives: Editing
How Much Do Shortform Career Writers Get Paid? by Lynne Collier
Like many writers, I have to supplement my income. My books don’t bring in much money—not enough to make a difference in our budget since my husband retired. I researched what a writer in Canada earns and for which specific type of writing. I figured, nowadays, I could live in Ontario and write remotely for… Read more »
Editing the Lies by Pamela Mytroen
Fear has lied to us about our writing. It is time to edit those lies and re-write truth on our hearts and minds instead. Cycle of Lies/Cycle of Truth 1. I will not start writing because it has to be perfect. Re-write it into truth. “I will write to the best of my ability. It… Read more »
Hiring Professionals by Janice L Dick
Being a writer these days requires much of us. We are to be: – writer – researcher – editor – formatter – cover designer – marketer – promotional expert – and so on There are some who manage to carry it off, but for most of us, doing it all is more than we can… Read more »
No Limits or Know Limits? by Tracy Krauss
No Limits or Know Limits? We can’t all be good at everything – no matter how much we wish it were true. Knowing one’s own strengths and weaknesses is the first step toward success no matter what the situation, but never more so than for those hoping to ‘make it’ as an independent author. Putting… Read more »
Develop the Killing Instinct Part II: Fine-Tuning with a Jack-Knife — Pamela Mytroen
In Part I of “Develop the Killing Instinct” I suggested writers use a sword to slash a large volume of words and distill the piece into one key sentence. This method slims a piece down to its purpose, allowing no extra fat, which editors appreciate. Only then may the writer pull out the jack-knife to… Read more »
When and How NOT to Do It Yourself — Jack Popjes
Writers want to grow in skills, become more professional, and be published. Some of us may still be amateurs, but all of us want to improve in every area of the writing profession. Whoa! Wait a minute! Every area? Is that realistic? Is that doable? Is that even wise? I know some people are described… Read more »
Develop the Killing Instinct: Reducing the Word Count — Pamela Mytroen
How does a writer keep to the posted word count without losing all those inspired phrases? And why does it matter? Editors have reasons for setting a maximum word count. Besides the premium of space in a publication, a stipulated word count attracts and creates writers with clear and effective writing. Slashing words from a… Read more »
The Elusive Comma — Carolyn Wilker
In writing classes, particularly when it comes to grammar, we often get in a discussion over commas. While one throws up her hands and says, “Let the editor fix it,” another asks, “Tell me again where they go.”
Writers Read??? — Brenda Wood
Read! Not me!! “I am a writer,” I declared. So I slavishly struggled my words onto paper for years, feeling guilty every time I stopped for a relaxing reading break. Then someone told me writers need to read, read and read some more!