Tag Archives: overcoming procrastination
Deadline Coming! by Brenda J. Wood
Who hasn’t struggled with those words? They hover over our shoulders like parents checking homework. We know it’s coming. We smell it in the air. We taste the absence of words. We watch calendar pages flip and murmur, “What will I write? What can I contribute? Why did I even sign on? What if the… Read more »
Overcoming Obstacles in Writing Part 2 by Carol Harrison
How can we get started? Once we have defined the obstacles we face in our writing journey, whether small bumps or mountains, we need to take time to look at how to get started on overcoming them. In this blog post we will look at a few ideas which may spark some more of your… Read more »
Overcoming Obstacles in Writing by Carol Harrison
What’s stopping you? Recently I attended a workshop on “Overcoming Obstacles in your Writing” by Jennifer Sparks from Saskatoon. It gave me lots to contemplate as I search my own writing life to figure out the obstacles holing me back or stopping me from writing. I’ve been asking myself how I can get unstuck and… Read more »