Tag Archives: writing habits

Writing When Life Gets Crazy by Jack Popjes

Shortly after I agreed to write this blog post on the topic “Writing When Life Gets Crazy,” it did. The saying “It never rains but it pours” is apt for my life right now. I received invitations to speak at 7 events taking place within 18 days. Our chronically ill youngest daughter took a turn… Read more »

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A Time and Place to Write by Jack Popjes

You’ll never find time to write, but you can make time. And when you make time, you need to make a place as well. Productive writers know that time and place tend to be connected. It has to do with what actors call body memory.

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Different Yet the Same by Steph Beth Nickel

Whether we write full-time or simply devote a couple of hours a week to our craft, we are more than simply writers. We’re husbands and wives, students and teachers, executives and factory workers, income earners and volunteers, young adults and retirees. No stereotype will fit, but we do have many things in common.

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Holed Up or Hold Up?

A while back, I got to thinking about why I have such a tough time just sitting down to write. I have lots of ideas for books floating around my head. And because I work from home, I have the privilege of creating my own schedule. So, what’s the hold up?

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