Is Writing All Over Me? by Brenda J. Wood

I feel an obligation to write. Therefore, I read articles about writing. I join online teaching events. I buy books about writing. I write books about writing. I teach writing classes. I am all over writing, but is writing all over me?

As a Christian, what are my writing obligations? Can I write what I want, enjoy the praise of others for my writing, even if it is not the writing God chose for me?

If a plot is not going well, is it because I missed my true calling? Do I have a verse that sustains me in the midst of a dry spell? Do I pray and ask God for guidance?

Years ago, as a young wife and mother, I asked God to lead me where he wanted me to go. I remember the time and the place exactly. God whispered a scripture into my ear.  And in that place, I found my calling.

My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for the king; my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer. (Psalm 45:1 NIV)

God hears my words first. I am called to hone my skills. When I write, my words speak.

Do we understand our writing as a gift from our Saviour, one to be used for his glory? Do we prepare ourselves when those words might bring criticism from the world? Do we live the holy life that he calls us to, so that our words ring truth? How can we expect our words to flow without any input from God?

For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the Lord, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel.  (From Ezra 7:10,= NIV)

Yes, I am all over writing, but is writing all over me?

Brenda J. Wood is a motivational speaker and author of more than 50 books who shares with faith, commonsense wisdom, a sense of humour, and quirky comments. Read her daily devotionals at Her favourite things include guest speaking, writing a good book, (and reading one!), a warm fire, and walking on snow-free pavement. Brenda is now a great grandmother, which is amazing since she is only 29!

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1 comment

  1. Sharon Espeseth says:

    You are asking a good question that strikes a chord with me too? Or is it a nerve that your question is striking? Thanks for your blog, Brenda.

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