The Tuesday Experiment by Janice L. Dick


I love a fresh start. It’s an opportunity to improve, to avoid pitfalls from the past, to review and make new plans.

This past year I’ve poured a lot of my time and energy into writing weekly blogs on my website in an attempt to connect and gradually grow a following. Writing blogs was never something I thought I’d pursue. I’m a fiction writer. But surprise, surprise! I love it.

1412788045fsqa0I’ve created four columns a month, one every Tuesday (and a random blog on any fifth Tuesday). The regular crafting of a meaningful bit of communication has proven an excellent discipline as well as an opportunity to practice my writing skills and become more comfortable with my voice and purpose.

As I look back, the blogs have been fun and challenging. You know how it goes; you always learn more by preparing than by partaking. According to comments, these blogs have been beneficial to readers as well.

NOTE: If you appreciate a blog or other online article, let the writer know. Leave a brief comment, or if you’re set up to do so, tweet or share on various social media. It means a lot to the writer and can expand their readership. We need to help each other on this journey.

IMG_8497Looking ahead, I’m tweaking my column themes for freshness and variety in the new year. I’ve had to evaluate my use of time in order that the blogs don’t take over all my writing time, leaving nothing for my novels.

Speaking of which, I have three novels going out of print, so I need to decide how to re-release them. Then there’s the sequel edit languishing in my WIP folder, waiting for attention, and the contemporary cozy still longing for readers.

Looking back is essential. As a historical author, I do this all the time. But looking ahead is also important as it keeps us on track. Zig Ziglar said, “If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time.”

I wish for each of you a time to re-evaluate your 2015 writing path and to formulate plans to reach your goals for 2016. God’s blessings to you as you move forward with confidence.

“He who called you is faithful, who also will do it” I Thessalonians 5:24 (NKJV).

Exec-Janice-DickJanice Dick writes historical and contemporary fiction, inspirational articles and book reviews. She also edits and presents writing workshops.

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  1. Ruth Snyder says:

    Thanks for sharing your blogging plan with us, Janice. That feedback from readers is definitely important as writers choose what to write about!

    Best wishes in 2016 🙂

  2. Pam Mytroen says:

    Sounds like your experiment worked out well! I have stopped in a few times to your blog and always appreciated it.

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