Tag Archives: books
Not Just for Writing by Brenda J Wood
Not Just for Writing Yes, oh yes! We write books. But do we really care about them, ours and other people’s? Do we open them, treasure the smoothness of the paper, read a word or two? Or do we leave them on the shelf never to be really appreciated? In that case, those books should… Read more »
5 Fears that Immobilize Writers by Steph Beth Nickel
It takes courage to parachute out of a plane, to ski down a mountain—and to write. “Why?” you ask. Writers must overcome the following fears—and so many more: Does the world really need one more book, blog post or article? No matter how many times we’ve asked and answered this question, there are quiet moments… Read more »
Read Any Good Books Lately? Steph Beth Nickel
Most writers are also readers. Here are some of the books I am currently working my way through. A similar post appeared on Janet Sketchley’s blog on January 29 and on my blog February 12. Some of the books are the same; some I’ve added since then. Do you like how-to books? Memoirs? Novels? Do you… Read more »
Resources Writers Love by Steph Beth Nickel
Since we emphasize love each February, why not think about the resources we writers are particularly fond of? A New Journal A beautiful handcrafted leather cover or a whimsical cartoon character beckoning you to open a pristine new journal, full of nothing but potential … is there anything more inspiring—or terrifying? Tentatively, you grab your… Read more »