This time of year, when the days lengthen, the weather warms, and the birds sing with more joy, is a great time to blow out the cobwebs on our writing.
Sometimes we get bogged down; at least I do. We struggle on, doing our best to do our best. Spring has a special way of giving us a boost, especially those of us who have survived another long Canadian winter.
I submit that there’s something else that kicks us into gear, catapults us into the next level of writing … and life. It’s called perspective, and it comes from knowing who we are, why we are here, and where we’re going.
Who are we?
If we have accepted Christ’s atoning death and resurrection, we know we are made in God’s image. That fact is beyond comprehension. We must take it by faith, which is also a gift from God.
Why are we here?
Again, knowing we are God’s children, we are here to serve Him. He has given us gifts to use for His glory, and we are to do so. How? Keep learning, keep working, keep relating to others, keep encouraging one another. The list is endless. Trust and obey.
Where are we going?
Down the road. Continuing our journey. But one day, one day soon, we will go on to our reward, to dwell with God forever. Again, it’s beyond our comprehension. But it does give us a sense of anticipation, and of urgency. There will come a time when it’s too late to do what we have planned.
So … let’s get on with it.
Let’s spring into spring with a renewed urgency, a heightened motivation. We probably know what needs to be done. We just have to get into gear and do it.