Gratitude in the Life of a Writer by Lynne Collier

I’m sitting here in my office, overlooking my gardens. The sun’s shining through the windows, offering warmth on a cool morning. Robins and chickadees serenade as I type. I feel very grateful.

It’s so easy to take all the small blessings for granted on busy days. Small blessings … Are any blessings actually small?

I’m just as grateful for the tiny petals of a delicate blue and white forget-me-not defiantly growing at the edge of a flowerbed as I am the brilliant array of orange and gold streaming across an autumn sky. Or as much for an inchworm trekking the porch railing as a thunderstorm on a sticky August afternoon.

As a writer, I gather inspiration for my work from these daily experiences. All please my senses and draw me closer to my heavenly Father, who gives both great and small blessings unceasingly, so that I, in turn, may write what pleases Him.

To know God listens and answers my prayers creates in me a grateful heart. He gives me the ability to do what He’s called me to do. It’s comforting to know He doesn’t require me to do anything He hasn’t gifted me to do. I don’t need to do it all. I only need to do what He asks of me.

Every day God provides for me. I always have food, clean water, a home, clothing. And when I think and act ungratefully for these things, or simply take them for granted, He forgives my selfish ways and still keeps providing. In forgiveness, He draws me close and keeps His promises.

The world and its busyness are welcome to pass me by today. I’m in no hurry if God hasn’t asked me to be. I’m grateful to let the chorus of the forest fill my heart with joy and gratitude as I write.

 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness” (Colossians 2:6-7 NIV).

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