My Best Blogs and Books on Writing
There are many and varied writing helps online and on bookshelves these days, but a few have become favourites of mine.
Highest on my list of writing blogs is by C.S. Lakin. Suzanne Lakin publishes weekly posts on every aspect of writing. There are novel-writing checklists, free planning books, and ongoing online courses. This blog is the winner of The 2015 Top Ten Blogs for Writers.
Besides these blogs, Suzanne also offers books she has written, both how-to and fiction. I have used her book The 12 Key Pillars of Novel Construction (print version) extensively.
Another excellent blog is by Joanna Penn:
Joanna is a prolific and well-known British author who loves to share her experience and expertise with those who chose to follow her. She is an international speaker and motivator who also offers regular writing podcasts. Her main topics are writing, publishing and marketing.
Another writing blog I recommend is This site is a good mix of topics and contributors.
Of course, I’d be remiss in not mentioning InScribe Professional Blogsite, since I write for it, along with a number of other professional Christian writers, and there are some great tips and encouragements there. Find this one at
Besides these online sites, I have a number of writing books on the shelf above my desk, within easy reach. Over the years, I’ve collected a set of writing manuals from Writer’s Digest Books. These include:
- Plot by Ansen Dibell
- Characters & Viewpoint by Orson Scott Card
- Conflict, Action & Suspense by William Noble
- Beginnings, Middles & Ends by Nancy Kress
- Scene & Structure by Jack M. Bickham
- Revision & Self-Editing by James Scott Bell
- Plot & Structure by James Scott Bell
- Editing Your Fiction by Michael Seidman
Most of these books are well marked with sticky notes and highlighters. I would recommend any of them.
Learning is an ongoing and enjoyable process, and I so appreciate all those who are willing to share what they’ve learned with us.
Janice L. Dick writes historical and contemporary fiction, inspirational articles and book reviews. She also edits and presents writing workshops.