There will never be a lack of things to write about. Life is full of ideas, issues, concerns and truths to keep me going forever.
What do I focus on in my writing? What should I focus on?
I don’t know how it works for you, but I often find myself working through personal issues as I pen my novels. My characters will run up against my greatest fears, or my dreams, or my idiosyncrasies. They will struggle with their challenges as I try to work through them on the keyboard. It’s quite a fascinating development, and one that continually surprises me.
However, no matter what problems I am working with, through my characters, I have the responsibility to convey the truth clearly. Because I write from a Christian worldview, my beliefs come through. (This may not be a given for every Christian who writes, but it is for me.) What are the most important tenets of faith? The ones that make or break the message or theme of my story?
Over the years, I have become acquainted with the Apostles’ Creed. It is a succinct and clear statement, in my opinion, of the basic truths of the Gospel. That’s what I believe. There are many details where I might differ from other Christians, but I don’t see them as significant enough to argue about. Discussion is interesting and invigorating, but argument is destructive. No one wins. Not a good focus.
So in my writing, I choose to focus on developing my characters to the best of my ability. I choose to concentrate on maintaining a strong plot with lots of action. I set the story where I think it needs to happen.
Most importantly, I attempt to shine a light on the hope that comes from believing in Jesus Christ. It may reveal itself in many ways, but it will always be there: the message of HOPE.
Janice L. Dick writes historical and contemporary fiction, inspirational articles and book reviews. She also edits and presents writing workshops.