Back in the Saddle by Janice L. Dick

I grew up riding horses. The rule was, if you fell off, you had to get back on again or you’d spoil the horse. Practical reasoning, uncomfortable application. And yet, to this day I love horses.

This summer has been filled to the brim with family visits from England, British Columbia, and Japan, as well as more local folks, who all appreciate lots of good food, freshly made beds, and a relatively tidy place to congregate. With all the hospitality required for these gatherings, I have royally fallen off my writing horse.

Don’t get me wrong. I love my family. But most of them don’t even seem to realize I have a writing horse. So it’s up to me to get back in the saddle.

I stepped into the stirrup last Wednesday by returning to my local writing group, and what a motivating and encouraging experience it was. Today I swung my right leg over the saddle and snugged in. If you were to peek in my kitchen window, you would see me sitting at the island, tapping away on my MacBook, headphones in place to drown out distractions from several grandkids. I could have refused to watch the kids this week, but my grandma gene kicked in, as well as an overactive conscience. So they’re here for the mornings. But I’m back in the saddle. Even though I’m a bit saddlesore, I feel almost giddy with the excitement of creating, compiling, and editing my thoughts.

Sometimes I think it’s good to be deprived of writing for a stretch (a smaller stretch than I’ve just experienced) so we realize how much we need it.

Here are a few reasons why I’m excited to be back in the writing saddle:
— to free the thoughts cramped and jumbled in my brain and translate them to screen/paper
— to connect with other like-minded people on various writing issues
— to reinforce my calling
— to meet deadlines and commitments
— to, hopefully, bless others through the words God gives me

horseIf you’ve had a summer like mine, if you’ve fallen off your writing horse for whatever reason, take steps to get back in the saddle sooner than later. This old world needs you, and the view is great from up here.


Exec-Janice-DickJanice Dick writes historical and contemporary fiction, inspirational articles and book reviews. She also edits and presents writing workshops.

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