The Christmas season has come and gone and the New Year is upon us. My non-literary life has been busy, but I can’t come up with any more reasonable excuses to take time off from the hard work of writing, so I’ve been crafting guest blogs for various sites I’ve committed to.
I thought I’d slip a few posts in early, scheduling them for later this month. To my surprise, there were a number of posts already scheduled for three and even four months in advance. So that’s how the professionals do it.
Get busy and get it done!
I’m not a driven person, although I do have written goals and dreams that challenge me. A few of my goals for 2015 have forced me to look again at my schedule, my plan for accomplishing these goals. And the revelation is: I need to get busy and get it done. As a perfectionist, a careful starter, an obsessive finisher, I like to know where I’m going and whether or not it pays to start something right now. Okay, add “procrastinator” to that list. I need to get busy and get it done.
That’s what beginnings are all about. This year my aim is to begin. Not to over-think or rationalize or worry about finishing. Just begin and take it from there. Keep lists. Create new folders to hold random ideas. If I end up in a muddle, at least there’s more to work with than a blank screen/page.
I think I’ll adopt the motto of my five-year-old grandson: “Grandma, let’s just see what happens.”
Or the one I saw on Facebook this week: “Instead of saying, ‘Lord, I don’t know how I am going to do this,’ say, ‘Lord, I can’t wait to see how you do this.’” (©
Create some goals. Then get busy and get it done!
Blessings to you,
Janice L. Dick
Janice Dick writes historical and contemporary fiction, inspirational articles, and book reviews. She also edits and presents writing workshops.
Amen to this, Janice. “Let’s just see what happens,” and “Lord, I can’t wait to see how you do this.” I can see how adopting these attitudes can be really effective in getting unstuck. Thanks for the new view.
I relate to this: ” As a perfectionist, a careful starter, an obsessive finisher, I like to know where I’m going and whether or not it pays to start something right now.”
Indeed. And it becomes very easy to talk oneself out of things using that cautious approach. I love your grandson’s motto: “Let’s just see what happens.”
Wishing you a productive 2015, Janice!