Submission Guidelines

Submission Guidelines Page

FellowScript magazine is published by InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship, Canada’s longest-serving organization for Christians who write. This 28+-page magazine is published four times annually for InScribe members. Distribution: approximately 200 per issue

Our goal is to provide support, inspiration, instruction, and opportunities for our members to submit their work. Priority is given to members, although non-members may also submit.



We prefer Times New Roman, 12 point font, with 1.5 line spacing and standard margins for all submissions. Use left margin justification. Indent new paragraphs.

On the upper left corner of page one, include the title of your piece, your name, and the number of words. (Bio not included.)

Please refer to our Style Sheet for further guidance.

Include a brief (50 -70 words max) bio and a current headshot. The bio does notcount toward your overall word count.

If you have questions, or to submit, please contact the editor at



Feature Articles (600- 750 words) (few exceptions): We publish articles written in a casual, anecdotal style with an emphasis on takeaway value for Christian writers. Articles should reflect the issue’s current theme. Byline and headshot included. (paid)

Columns (600- 650 words): We have a limited number of columnist opportunities each year. New column suggestions are always reviewed and appreciated. We offer a one-year term (four issues) for columnists unless otherwise agreed upon. Byline and headshot included. (paid)

Devotionals (600- 650 words) FellowScript includes at least one devotional per issue. Most of these are assigned, but unsolicited devotional submissions are accepted for review. Byline and headshot included. (paid)

Short Stories, Memoir, Creative Non-Fiction (600-750 words) As with feature articles, stories etc. should relate to the current issue’s theme, if possible. Byline and headshot included. (paid)

Poetry Poets may submit their original poems of any style and type for possible inclusion. As with all submissions, priority is given to members. No byline. (paid)

Mini Columns (up to 300 words.): Most of these are assigned but members may submit unsolicited mini-articles for consideration. Byline and headshot included. (no pay)

Book Reviews (150-300 words): We publish book reviews on industry topics. (Writing/publishing/marketing.) We also publish reviews of members’ books. Byline included. (no pay)

Fillers, Testimonials, Tips, Letters to the Editor  (25-600 words). Feel free to send your thoughts to the editor. No byline.(no pay)

Photographs/Artwork Photographs or artwork are occasionally used on the cover of FellowScript or as fillers inside. Photos and art should be emailed as jpgs of reasonable quality. Priority will be given to theme-based material or that related to Inscribe events.  (See payment schedule for specifics).



Articles/Stories: $0.03/word for one-time rights or $0.015/word for reprint rights, paid on publication; an extra $0.005 paid for publication (with the author’s permission) on our website for a period of no more than three months.

Columnists: Regular columnists are paid $21.00 per piece.

Poetry: Poets are paid $10.00 for first rights or $5.00 for reprint rights for each published poem.

Book Reviews, Mini-Columns: No payment; author byline included. One PDF copy of the issue in which the work appears. (If not already a member.)

Fillers, Tips:, etc: No payment; author byline may be included, but not guaranteed. One PDF copy of the issue in which the work appears (if not already a member), as long as the work is at least 300 words in length.

Photographs/Artwork: Inside photos/art: $5.00. (Currently, our covers are chosen by the Layout Editor, but if you feel you have a high-quality photo that you feel would be suitable for an upcoming issue, contact us.)

All payments are made in Canadian funds via e-transfer (preferred) or cheque. If the contributor is unable to accept an e-transfer (i.e.: they live outside of Canada), other payment arrangements will be made.



Ads must be writing, editing, or publishing related. Members may advertise products, books, and upcoming events. Publishers and other interested parties may advertise writing, publishing, or industry related products and programs. All advertisements will be accepted at the discretion of the editorial staff. Inquire before sending payment.

Length – no more than 300 words.

email send an attachment with the subject line: FellowScript Display Advertisements. Include your name/business name, address, and telephone number along with your completed ad.

Advertising Rates Per Ad

  • One-eighth page b&w     $25
  • One-quarter page b&w    $50
  • One-half page b&w       $85
  • One-half page inside cover, colour    $180
  • One full page b&w     $120
  • Full inside/back cover, colour    $200

Discounts for Multiple Consecutive Ads: Applies only to ads over $25 paid in advance: 10% for 2 editions; 20% for 3 editions; 30% for a full year (4 editions)

Spring (May issue) – Deadline: March 1

Summer (August issue) – Deadline: June 1

Fall (November issue) – Deadline: September 1

Winter (February issue) – Deadline: December 1

Please note: Editor will consider granting an extension when appropriate.


If you have questions, or to submit, please contact the editor at