Janette Oke Award

The Janette Oke Award is presented bi-annually in honour of founding and lifetime member, Janette Oke.

In 2016, Inscribe members and the executive wished to honour Janet Oke’s faith, writing career, and Christian commitment, which have impacted millions around the world. Thus, the first biannual Janette Oke Award was established. 

The award will be given to a current member who shows a strong Christian commitment, a desire to impact society with family and Christ-like values in their work, belongs to Inscribe, and is innovative or brave in their chosen genre. The committee is not looking for a similar theme or genre as Janette Oke but a sense of commitment, conviction, and a strong desire to persevere in their field.

  • This award will be awarded every second year (as donated funds permit.)
  • This award is open to any current members (or those who renew their membership at the time of submitting their award application.)  
  • The award is a minimum of $250 dollars cash, depending on donations received specifically for this award.
  • The deadline is midnight on August 31st of the year it is presented.

Application Process

Write a 500 – 600-word essay on the impact Janette Oke has either had on your writing or the impact of her writing in general.

Provide two references who know your writing. We prefer one to be an Inscribe member.

Submit a short bio and a picture with your application.

Please email your completed package to the Awards Committee. The subject line should read “Janette Oke Award Application”
The body of the email should contain your name, address, email address, and phone number. The four required items should be attachments in Word document or PDF format.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: midnight of August 31st of the year it will be awarded.