Members only – No Fee / Fun Prizes
Unique to Inscribe, this contest invites participants to challenge themselves in both writing to guidelines and critiquing one another. New Word Challenges are posted in the Facebook group several times a year. (No fee)
All members can enter.
All members can vote and
All members can make suggestions, even if they have not entered a piece.
This is your opportunity to practice writing to a theme, follow guidelines, and receive peer reviews from fellow writers. You also have the opportunity to practice your own critiquing skills as you consider comments to share about the entries.
- The Word Challenge Moderator presents a topic/idea/game/writing exercise
- Usually, there is a specific word or line count.
- Interested Inscribers write according to the topic and other guidelines.
- The Moderator gives a deadline – usually one week.
- All submissions have to be forwarded to the Moderator before the cut off deadline.
- The Moderator will strip all submissions of identifying information.
- Submissions are then shared with the membership with numbers and titles only.
- All Inscribe members are encouraged to vote. Members pick first-place, second-place, and third-place winners; members will also be asked [not compulsory] to offer some feedback on any or all submissions. They can be short or detailed.
- The votes will be tallied and the submission with the most votes will win first place.
- The Moderator will gather all this information and announce a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winner [ties are acceptable] in one email. Any feedback will be included with each submission.
- Token, writer-related prizes will be awarded to the winners.
- Acceptance of a prize grants InScribe First North American Serial Rights to publish the winning entries in FellowScript Magazine at the discretion of the editorial staff. No payment will be received for publication of these entries.
Why would I want to join in on the Word Challenges?
- Because you are a dedicated Inscriber and you want to humour the organizer
- You want to get a little feedback on something you have written
- You want to encourage others in their craft
- You want to get some experience pressing the send button (some first-timers really do have a fear)
- You want to learn something about the craft of writing
- You have a message you want to impart
- You want to practice submitting to a contest
- You want to win a prize