Score is out of 95
/10 Hook: Title and opening pull the reader into the article.
/10 Voice/Style: Engaging yet appropriate for the topic. It does not feel like something copied out of a textbook. Any style that attracts a reader, gains their trust and holds their attention is highly valued.
/15 Main Idea/Unity: The writer states his main idea or opinion near the beginning of the essay and carries it through to the end. The essay is focused and consistent throughout. The main idea can be found woven through all the details, stories, anecdotes, and so on. The main idea is relevant; it is a real issue or idea that people can relate to. The essay is so clear that the reader can summarize the main idea – that thread that pulls all the details together – into ONE sentence.
/10 Support: The author will give reasons and evidence to support the opinion proposed at the beginning of the essay. He may use personal experiences, anecdotes, real stories, world events, researched quotes, common facts, and so on. It all relates to the main idea; it does not distract.
The support should also be thorough and accurate to provide more insight and understanding of the author’s main idea.
The supporting details help the reader trust the author. They see that the author knows what he is talking about. The author appears credible and somebody who has some authority on this topic, whether the tone is serious or lighthearted.
/10 Structure: The essay is well organized. There is a clear beginning, middle, and end. The organization helps the reader move easily through the text. The points flow logically from one sentence to another and from one paragraph to another. Transitions can be predictable, like a list, or subtle and creative as long as they move smoothly.
/10 Word Choice: Whether powerful or ordinary words are used, the writing feels original and fresh. The words evoke emotion and pictures. If idioms, slang, or fragments are used, it is on purpose and is effective. A variety of words are used, rather than the same words being used over and over again, unless as a deliberate form of repetition. Figurative language such as simile and metaphor shed light on the meaning.
/10 Sentences: The sentences sound natural and they flow easily from one into the next. They are often varied in length and structure to add interest and a sense of rhythm. This essay is easy to read out loud because it flows.
Sentences are created in such a way that they highlight main points and encourage the ideas to connect.
/10 Literacy: The author has strong control of grammar, punctuation, capitalization, spelling, and all types of sentence structures. The reader is not distracted by improper grammar. Even difficult words are correctly spelled. Occasionally this writer may play with grammatical rules but in such a way as to add to the style and effect of the piece. Little or no editing is needed to correct errors.
/10 Conclusion: The main point should be reinforced in some manner. Some authors choose to repeat the main point, or give a summary of the issues explored; others use a creative reminder such as an echo or resonance with the beginning of the piece. The reader comes away with a strong, satisfying sense of closure or resolution, and reacts with a visceral response, such as laughter, praise, anger, or a decision for or against the author’s opinion.